SpielenIstIhrHobby a ales un personaj
07:40 PM
JCMT20071966 a ales un personaj
06:11 PM
A new selection phase begins
Nobody has chosen the Warlord
Nobody has chosen the Architect
bronzacuertajack pays 4 gold to build a Harbor
bronzacuertajack receives 0 gold for their trade districts
bronzacuertajack as the Merchant receives 1 additional gold
bronzacuertajack takes 2 gold from the bank
06:10 PM
bronzacuertajack is the Merchant
CapitanMeeple88 pays 2 gold to build a Haunted Quarter
CapitanMeeple88 uses the Laboratory
CapitanMeeple88 receives 0 gold for their religious districts
CapitanMeeple88 takes 2 gold from the bank
03:49 PM
CapitanMeeple88 is the Bishop
JCMT20071966 receives 0 gold for their noble districts
JCMT20071966 pays 1 gold to build a Temple
02:39 PM
JCMT20071966 takes the crown
JCMT20071966 takes 2 gold from the bank
02:38 PM
SpielenIstIhrHobby robs 0 gold from JCMT20071966
Nobody has chosen the Magician
SpielenIstIhrHobby will rob the King
09:47 AM
SpielenIstIhrHobby takes 2 gold from the bank
SpielenIstIhrHobby is the Thief
Nobody has chosen the Assassin
All players have chosen their characters. Turn phase begins.
SpielenIstIhrHobby a ales un personaj
09:46 AM
JCMT20071966 a ales un personaj
3/19/2025 09:44 AM
CapitanMeeple88 a ales un personaj
07:54 PM
bronzacuertajack a ales un personaj
07:23 PM
A new selection phase begins
Nobody has chosen the Warlord
02:47 PM
SpielenIstIhrHobby pays 2 gold to build a Prison
SpielenIstIhrHobby pays 3 gold to build a Manor
SpielenIstIhrHobby takes 2 gold from the bank
02:46 PM
SpielenIstIhrHobby receives 2 additional district card(s)
SpielenIstIhrHobby is the Architect
Nobody has chosen the Merchant
JCMT20071966 receives 0 gold for their religious districts
JCMT20071966 pays 5 gold to build a Fortress
02:01 PM
JCMT20071966 takes 2 gold from the bank
02:00 PM
JCMT20071966 is the Bishop
Nobody has chosen the King
CapitanMeeple88 uses the Laboratory
01:19 PM
CapitanMeeple88 exchanges 3 hand card(s) with the draw pile
CapitanMeeple88 pays 5 gold to build a Laboratory
CapitanMeeple88 takes 2 gold from the bank
01:18 PM
CapitanMeeple88 is the Magician
12:04 PM
bronzacuertajack will rob the King
bronzacuertajack adună o carte de district
12:03 PM
bronzacuertajack is the Thief
Nobody has chosen the Assassin
All players have chosen their characters. Turn phase begins.
SpielenIstIhrHobby a ales un personaj
3/18/2025 07:56 AM
JCMT20071966 a ales un personaj
09:17 PM
CapitanMeeple88 a ales un personaj
06:31 PM
bronzacuertajack a ales un personaj
06:28 PM
A new selection phase begins
Nobody has chosen the Warlord
CapitanMeeple88 takes 2 gold from the bank
05:45 PM
CapitanMeeple88 receives 2 additional district card(s)
CapitanMeeple88 is the Architect
JCMT20071966 receives 1 gold for their trade districts
JCMT20071966 pays 3 gold to build a Docks
04:28 PM
JCMT20071966 as the Merchant receives 1 additional gold
JCMT20071966 takes 2 gold from the bank
04:27 PM
JCMT20071966 is the Merchant
SpielenIstIhrHobby receives 1 gold for their religious districts
SpielenIstIhrHobby pays 2 gold to build a Church
SpielenIstIhrHobby takes 2 gold from the bank
04:04 PM
SpielenIstIhrHobby is the Bishop
bronzacuertajack receives 1 gold for their noble districts
bronzacuertajack pays 4 gold to build a Castle
bronzacuertajack takes the crown
bronzacuertajack takes 2 gold from the bank
01:13 PM
bronzacuertajack is the King
Nobody has chosen the Magician
Nobody has chosen the Thief
Nobody has chosen the Assassin
All players have chosen their characters. Turn phase begins.
bronzacuertajack a ales un personaj
3/17/2025 01:12 PM
SpielenIstIhrHobby a ales un personaj
06:20 PM
JCMT20071966 a ales un personaj
05:06 PM
CapitanMeeple88 a ales un personaj
04:48 PM
A new selection phase begins
The deck contains the following unique districts: Dragon Gate, Factory, Haunted Quarter, Imperial Treasury, Keep, Laboratory, Library, Map Room, Quarry, School of Magic, Smithy, Statue, Thieves' Den, Wishing Well
A new game starts using the following characters: Assassin, Thief, Magician, King, Bishop, Merchant, Architect, Warlord
Culorile jucătorilor
SpielenIstIhrHobby au fost alese în conformitate cu preferințele lor.
Schimbă preferințele mele.3/16/2025 03:45 PM
Insultele și comportamentul agresiv sunt strict interzise pe BGA. Vă rugăm să ne raportați orice incident: vom lua măsuri de moderare împotriva oricăror jucători problematici.