Mr. Jack
În Mr. Jack, unul dintre doi jucători este Mr. Jack, care va fi unul dintre cele opt personaje de pe hartă. Acest jucător știe ce personaj este Mr. Jack și obiectivul acestuia este să fugă din district de îndată ce este posibil (sau să evite să fie acuzat pentru opt ture). Celălalt jucător reprezintă un investigator independent (nu este reprezentat pe hartă) care încearcă să ghicească identitatea lui Jack - dar poate să facă o singură acuzație pe durata întregului joc!
În timpul fiecărei runde, jucătorii mută personajele, folosindu-le puterile speciale și plasându-le fie în umbră, fie în lumină. La sfârșitul fiecărei runde, martorii declară dacă Jack este vizibil - adică în lumină sau adiacent unui alt personaj - sau în întuneric (singur în umbră). Acest lucru permite anchetatorului să știe personajele care sunt nevinovate. Pe măsură ce evoluează jocul, investigatorul încearcă să elimine suspecții în timp ce Jack încearcă să scape. Intuiția, logica și sângele rece vor fi necesare pentru fiecare dintre cei doi participanți.
Numărul de jucători: 2
Durata jocului: 13 mn
Complexitate: 3 / 5
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For tips on how to play Mr Jack, see Tips_mrjack
- All characters are placed suspect side up on the board, along with manholes, lit gaslights and police cordons.
- Mr Jack draws an alibi. That is his identity.
- The rest of the alibis are placed in a stack next to the board.
- Mr Jack starts visible.
Game play
- On odd rounds, the detective starts first. On even rounds, Mr Jack starts first.
Choosing and using characters
- Draw 4 character cards from the deck and place them next to the board. On odd rounds, shuffle the deck first.
- The starting player chooses a character and activates their ability.
- Then the opposite player chooses two characters and activates their abilities one by one.
- Finally, the starting player activates the last ability.
- Sherlock Holmes: Move 1 to 3 spaces, then draw the first card from the alibi deck and look at it secretly.
- John Watson: Move 1 to 3 spaces then choose his final direction. All characters on the line (except Watson) are visible.
- John Smith: Move 1 to 3 spaces. Must move a lit gaslight before or after moving.
- Inspector Lestrade: Move 1 to 3 spaces. Must move a cordon before or after moving.
- Miss Stealthy: Move 1 to 4 spaces. May cross any hex while moving, but must stop on a street hex.
- Sergeant Goodley: Move 1 to 3 spaces. Must use 3 moves to move any characters towards him before or after moving.
- Sir William Gull: Move 1 to 3 spaces. May swap places with any other character instead.
- Jeremy Bert: Move 1 to 3 spaces. Must move a manhole cover before or after moving.
- Some special tiles have different effects. Obstacles cannot be crossed by anyone except Stealthy.
- Police cordons block exits from available to escaping. Manholes can be used to travel to another manhole if not covered.
Call for witnesses
- Then, Jack must declare whether he is visible. (He is visible if he is next to a gaslight or another character, or lit by Watson's torch.)
- According to his answer, the detective eliminates some suspects.
Shutting off a gaslight
- After that, some gaslights maybe shut off. Remove the lit token equal to the round number from the game.
End of the Game
- Once per game, the detective can move another character onto Jack and confront him. If the detective is right, they win. Otherwise, Jack wins.
- If Jack escapes when he was not visible at the start of the round, he wins. To escape, Jack must move their hidden identity off the board via one of the exits at the four corners of the board where a police cordon is not present.
- If eight rounds have passed and Jack is not caught, he wins.