Nobody has chosen the Architect
Nobody has chosen the Merchant
Nobody has chosen the Bishop
The King is dead and can't play
Arti-shok exchanges their 2 hand card(s) with the 3 hand card(s) of lucacerrato
Arti-shok pays 2 gold to build a Trading Post
09:26 PM
Arti-shok takes 2 gold from the bank
09:25 PM
Arti-shok is the Magician
Nobody has chosen the Thief
dolores74 asasinează pe King
dolores74 takes 2 gold from the bank
09:22 PM
dolores74 is the Assassin
All players have chosen their characters. Turn phase begins.
dbp_z a ales un personaj
08:35 PM
lucacerrato a ales un personaj
08:10 PM
dolores74 a ales un personaj
07:14 PM
Arti-shok a ales un personaj
07:01 PM
A new selection phase begins
dolores74 receives 0 gold for their military districts
dolores74 pays 2 gold to build a Haunted Quarter
06:49 PM
dolores74 adună o carte de district
06:48 PM
Nobody has chosen the Architect
lucacerrato pays 5 gold to build a Imperial Treasury
lucacerrato receives 0 gold for their trade districts
lucacerrato as the Merchant receives 1 additional gold
lucacerrato takes 2 gold from the bank
3/20/2025 06:45 PM
lucacerrato is the Merchant
Nobody has chosen the Bishop
Arti-shok receives 1 gold for their noble districts
Arti-shok pays 4 gold to build a Castle
Arti-shok takes the crown
Arti-shok takes 2 gold from the bank
08:33 PM
Nobody has chosen the Magician
dbp_z will rob the Architect
dbp_z takes 2 gold from the bank
3/19/2025 01:04 PM
Nobody has chosen the Assassin
All players have chosen their characters. Turn phase begins.
lucacerrato a ales un personaj
09:00 PM
dolores74 a ales un personaj
02:15 PM
Arti-shok a ales un personaj
3/18/2025 04:51 AM
dbp_z a ales un personaj
09:42 PM
Revanșă cu exact aceiași jucători detectată: jucătorul de start a fost modificat.
A new selection phase begins
The deck contains the following unique districts: Dragon Gate, Factory, Haunted Quarter, Imperial Treasury, Keep, Laboratory, Library, Map Room, Quarry, School of Magic, Smithy, Statue, Thieves' Den, Wishing Well
A new game starts using the following characters: Assassin, Thief, Magician, King, Bishop, Merchant, Architect, Warlord
3/17/2025 06:25 AM
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