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Încărcare grafica joc (10%)
Masa #644553525
Mutarea #47
Progres 66%
Deschis anterior Dracula vs Van Helsing #644553525 ... ([Sări peste reluarea ultimelor mutări])


Afișează istoria jocului
Afișează baloane explicative

Opţiunile jocului

Mod de joc
Viteza jocului
Ore de joc
Acest joc a fost înnoit de la începerea lui: așa că reluarea este o facilitate EXPERIMENTALĂ.
Încărcarea istoricului jocului (54%)

Dracula - BOTP

Van Helsing - RuNpayne


15 cards


7 cards

Reveal one of your cards.
Reveal the top card of the deck.
Reveal one of your opponent’s cards.
Swap two of your cards.
Play another turn. This effect applies even if your opponent has called the end of the round on their turn.
Swap one of your cards with your opponent. Both cards must face the same District.
Swap the Trump Color Token with another Color Token.
You can’t discard an 8 unless there are at least 6 cards in the discard pile. Immediately end the round. Your opponent does not play their turn.



0 -380930511 eur Visitor-380


Afișează istoria jocului
Afișează baloane explicative

Opţiunile jocului

Mod de joc
Viteza jocului
Ore de joc

Notă: 3D este experimental

Ești spectator al acestui joc
Arată maus-ul


Arată maus-ul
Spectatorii: Visitor-380930511
RuNpayne reveals one of their cards
RuNpayne discards a card with n°1
RuNpayne swaps with the card in District 3 and discards this one
07:39 AM
RuNpayne gets a Blue 1
BOTP gets a Purple 3
BOTP chooses District 3
BOTP swaps cards of a District
BOTP discards a card with n°6
BOTP swaps with the card in District 3 and discards this one
04:43 AM
RuNpayne swaps color tokens
RuNpayne discards a card with n°7
RuNpayne discards the card
03:01 AM
BOTP swaps color tokens
BOTP discards a card with n°7
BOTP swaps with the card in District 3 and discards this one
3/18/2025 02:07 AM
RuNpayne swaps color tokens
RuNpayne discards a card with n°7
RuNpayne swaps with the card in District 5 and discards this one
04:56 PM
BOTP reveals one of their opponent’s cards
BOTP discards a card with n°3
BOTP swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
BOTP plays another turn
BOTP discards a card with n°5
BOTP swaps with the card in District 3 and discards this one
01:17 PM
RuNpayne reveals one of their cards
RuNpayne discards a card with n°1
RuNpayne discards the card
3/17/2025 07:16 AM
Top card of deck is a Red 1
BOTP reveals the top card of the deck
BOTP discards a card with n°2
BOTP swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
08:19 PM
Round 3/5 starts
A Human is turned into Vampire in District 5
BOTP wins District 5
A Human is turned into Vampire in District 4
BOTP wins District 4
Dracula loses 1 HP
RuNpayne wins District 3
Dracula loses 1 HP
RuNpayne wins District 2
Dracula loses 1 HP
RuNpayne wins District 1
End of the round
RuNpayne ends the round
RuNpayne discards a card with n°8
RuNpayne swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
BOTP reveals one of their cards
BOTP discards a card with n°1
BOTP swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
08:10 PM
RuNpayne reveals one of their opponent’s cards
RuNpayne discards a card with n°3
RuNpayne swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
03:36 AM
BOTP swaps cards between Districts 3 and 5
BOTP swaps two of their cards
BOTP discards a card with n°4
BOTP discards the card
01:31 AM
BOTP plays another turn
BOTP discards a card with n°5
BOTP discards the card
01:30 AM
BOTP gets a Yellow 1
RuNpayne gets a Red 3
RuNpayne chooses District 2
RuNpayne swaps cards of a District
RuNpayne discards a card with n°6
RuNpayne swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
01:19 AM
BOTP reveals one of their opponent’s cards
BOTP discards a card with n°3
BOTP swaps with the card in District 1 and discards this one
Round 2/5 starts
A Human is turned into Vampire in District 5
BOTP wins District 5
A Human is turned into Vampire in District 4
BOTP wins District 4
A Human is turned into Vampire in District 3
BOTP wins District 3
A Human is turned into Vampire in District 2
BOTP wins District 2
A Human is turned into Vampire in District 1
BOTP wins District 1
End of the round
BOTP ends the round
BOTP discards a card with n°8
BOTP swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
01:18 AM
RuNpayne reveals one of their opponent’s cards
RuNpayne discards a card with n°3
RuNpayne swaps with the card in District 3 and discards this one
01:16 AM
BOTP reveals one of their opponent’s cards
BOTP discards a card with n°3
BOTP swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
01:15 AM
RuNpayne swaps cards between Districts 3 and 4
RuNpayne swaps two of their cards
RuNpayne discards a card with n°4
RuNpayne discards the card
01:13 AM
BOTP swaps color tokens
BOTP discards a card with n°7
BOTP swaps with the card in District 3 and discards this one
01:05 AM
BOTP gets a Red 6
RuNpayne gets a Red 1
RuNpayne chooses District 5
RuNpayne swaps cards of a District
RuNpayne discards a card with n°6
RuNpayne swaps with the card in District 2 and discards this one
RuNpayne plays another turn
RuNpayne discards a card with n°5
RuNpayne swaps with the card in District 5 and discards this one
01:04 AM
Top card of deck is a Red 6
BOTP reveals the top card of the deck
BOTP discards a card with n°2
BOTP swaps with the card in District 5 and discards this one
01:03 AM
Round 1/5 starts
3/16/2025 12:51 AM
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