Jocul Season este un joc tactic bazat pe extragere și combinație de cărți precum și pe management al resurselor.
Jocul Season permite jucătorilor să folosească mâna proprie de cărți astfel încât să combine puterile cărților jucate, implicând însă elementul „aleatoriu”.
Adună energie, convoacă-i pe cei apropiați ție, adună cristale, simboluri de prestigiu și devin-o astfel cel mai ilustru mag al regatului.
Numărul de jucători: 2 - 4
Durata jocului: 19 mn
Complexitate: 3 / 5
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Joacă Seasons și 958 alte jocuri online.
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Cu prietenii tăi și mii de jucători din toate lumea.
Rezumatul regulamentului
Season is a game of generating points (crystal) by choosing the correct combination of dice and the activation of card powers.
The game goes by each player separating their 9 cards into 3 packs of 3 cards. The card will be return to the player on the starting of each cycle.
Each player can choose only one die per turn.
The effects are as follows:
Star - increase the maximum card player can summon (max 15)
Elements - Gain an energy of the element shown (water, earth, air, fire)
Numbers - Gain the number of Crystals as indicated by the number
Square card - Draw a card
Dice with frames surrounding - Allow user to transmute energy into crystal (depend on which part of the game is at)
Dots - Indicate how fast the marker progress through the seasons cycle
There is also a maximum of 3 helps provided at the cost of point deduction at the end of the game. The help will cost 5 points for the 1st time, 7 for the 2nd and 8 for the 3rd. There is 4 type of helps which include adding a star, allow user to transmute this turn with an additional crystal gained for each energy transmuted, change 2 energy into any element and allow user to choose a card out of 2 cards (must use with draw card dice).
At the end of the game the points are calculated by adding the numbers on each card and the crystal owned. The player with the most victory points wins.
Note: Users need to discard energy immediately if the energy is more than the slots allocated. Card summon by other card but due to limitation of the star will cause the new card to be discarded, no refund.