A simple, fast-playing, 2v2 trick-taking card game.
Numărul de jucători: 4
Durata jocului: 23 mn
Complexitate: 3 / 5
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Joacă Pedro și 1004 alte jocuri online.
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Cu prietenii tăi și mii de jucători din toate lumea.
Rezumatul regulamentului
- Pedro (pronounced with a long "e", like "peedro") is a trick-based card game.
- It consists of a bidding round to determine the right to call the trump suit for the hand, followed by playing out the hand in order to win points.
- The goal of the game is to be the first team to score 100 points.
- You and your partner are trying to take point cards in order to score points.
- In Pedro only specific cards are worth points, and their values vary.
- The most valuable cards are the 5 of trump and the 5 of the same colour as trump:
- Known as the "off-suit pede" or just the "pedro"
- In typical California Pedro, which is the default setting for this version, there are 16 total points possible per hand, broken down as follows:
Rank | A | J | 10 | 5♣5♠ or 5♥5♦ | 2 |
Points | 1 | 3 | 1 | 5 each | 1* |
* 2 is always won by the player who played it, regardless of the highest card in the trick.
- Players get one chance to bid for the ability to choose trump for the hand.
- Players are each dealt nine cards.
- Bidding begins to the right of the dealer.
- Lowest possible bid is 6.
- Highest possible bid is 16.
- The sum total of all the point cards possible for the hand.
- If a player does not wish to bid, they "pass" the bid onto the next player.
- You cannot bid the same amount as a previous bidder.
- You must either outbid an existing bid or pass.
- Bidding always ends with the dealer.
- If no team has placed a bid the dealer must place a bid of at least 6.
- Once the winning bid has been determined, the winning bidder calls the trump suit for the hand.
- All players then discard any non-trump cards.
- The dealer fills all hands up to a minimum of 6 cards each.
- As a special benefit, the dealer also looks through the remainder of the deck and adds any remaining trump cards to their hand!
- Note: it is possible for a player to end up with more than 6 trump cards in their hand.
- If this happens they must play 2 cards at a time (only one of which may be a point card) until they have returned to the normal hand size for the round.
- Note: it is possible for a player to end up with more than 6 trump cards in their hand.
- Play begins with the winning bidder.
- The first trick must begin with a trump card.
- Each player plays a card to the table and the highest trump card (in normal deck order) wins the trick.
- After the first trick any card may be lead to begin a trick.
- If trump is lead, then other players must follow suit.
- If a player can't follow suit then they must discard their remaining cards and are out of play for the remainder of the hand.
- If a non-trump "off-suit" card is lead, then any card may be played.
- However, in off-suit situations, trump cards still take precedence over non-trump cards in order to determine who wins the trick.
- Also, the trump 5 is always considered slightly higher than the off-suit (same colour) 5, which can be thought of as the "4 1/2" of trump when determining who won the trick.
Ending the Hand
- Once all point cards have been taken the hand is over and all remaining cards are discarded.
- The non-bidding team always scores whatever points they won during the play.
- The bidding team only scores points if they have made their bid.
- If the bidding team does not make their bid they have "gone set" and their point total is negatively affected by the bid amount.
- If the bidding team makes their bid then they score as many points as they took for the hand.
- In addition, if the bidding team bids 16 then they receive a special bonus of double the points if they take all 16 point cards - for 32 points in total.
- However, bidding "16/32" in this manner also comes with double the penalty for not making the bid.
- So be sure you have at least the A and the 2 of trump since those cards always go to the player who plays them!
Ending the Game
- The game ends when one team reaches or exceeds 100 points.
- If two teams both cross over 100 points in the same hand, the bidding team is considered to be the winner for taking the risk of bidding on the last hand.