Gomoku, numit și Cinci în Rând, este un joc de masă de strategie abstractă. În mod tradițional, se joacă cu piese Go pe o tablă Go.
Jucătorii alternează, punând o piatră de culoarea lor pe o intersecție goală. Negrul joacă primul. Câștigătorul este primul jucător care formează un lanț neîntrerupt de cinci pietre pe orizontală, verticală sau diagonală.
Plasarea astfel încât să fie creată o linie de mai mult de cinci pietre de aceeași culoare nu are ca rezultat un câștig. Acestea se numesc supralinii.
Cu toate acestea, în Caro, o variantă numită și Gomoku+, câștigătorul trebuie să aibă o linie sau un rând neîntrerupt de cinci pietre care nu este blocat la niciunul dintre capetele.
Numărul de jucători: 2
Durata jocului: 4 mn
Complexitate: 1 / 5
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Joacă Gomoku și 960 alte jocuri online.
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Rezumatul regulamentului
Gomoku, also called Five in a Row, is an abstract strategy board game. It is traditionally played with a Go board and stones.
Players alternate turns placing a stone of their colour on an empty intersection. Black plays first.
The winner is the first player to form a line of exactly five consecutive stones horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
Board size
Winning conditions of a game are displayed above the game board.
- Align exactly 5 stones in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally that is not blocked at either end
- Align more than 5 stones in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, regardless of blocked ends
Opening rule
The first three options are unavailable in ranked games due to first player advantage.
The first stone of the second player may be placed anywhere on the board.
The second stone of the first player must be placed at least three intersections away from the first stone.The first stone of the second player may be placed anywhere on the board.
The second stone of the first player must be placed at least four intersections away from the first stone.The second player then chooses which colour to play as.
Play proceeds from there as normal with white playing their second stone.The second player then has three options:
- choose to play as black
- choose to play as white and place a second white stone
- place two more stones, one white and one black, and pass the choice of which colour to play back to the first player.
Player preferences
Open the top-right menu from the game screen or use the 'Options' tab below the game board to access these preference options.
The player must confirm to complete their move.
Red buttons are irreversible.- swap: first three stones
- swap 2: first two stones and the fourth stone from the third choice
- see Opening rule