CATAN The Settlers of Catan, Die Siedler von Catan, Les Colons de Catane
Publicat pentru prima dată în Germania în 1995 ca Die Siedler von CATAN, apoi în engleză ca The Settlers of CATAN în 1996, CATAN își sărbătorește cea de-a 25-a aniversare în 2020.
Pentru a începe jocul, construiești tabla de joc folosind regiuni de teren hexagonale. S-a născut astfel Catan - o insulă frumoasă cu munți, pășuni, dealuri, câmpuri și păduri, înconjurată de mare.
Fiecare dintre voi plasează două case mici în spații în care trei regiuni de teren se întâlnesc. Ele sunt așezările tale de pornire.
Și așa incepe. Primul jucător aruncă două zaruri. Un „11!” Fiecare secțiune de teren este marcată cu un număr. Fiecare jucător care deține o așezare adiacentă unei regiuni de teren marcat cu numărul aruncat primește o resursă produsă de această regiune. Dealurile produc cărămidă, pădurile produc cherestea, munții produc minereu, câmpurile produc cereale, iar pășunile produc lână.
Folosești aceste resurse pentru a te extinde în Catan: construiești drumuri și noi așezări sau transformi așezările existente în orașe. De exemplu, un drum costă 1 cărămidă și 1 cherestea. Dacă nu ai resursele necesare, le poți obține prin schimburi cu adversarii tăi.
Fiecare așezare valorează 1 punct de victorie și fiecare oraș valorează 2 puncte de victorie. Dacă te extinzi inteligent, poți fi primul jucător care ajunge la 10 puncte de victorie și câștigă astfel jocul!
Numărul de jucători: 3 - 4
Durata jocului: 38 mn
Complexitate: 2 / 5
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Joacă CATAN și 978 alte jocuri online.
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Rezumatul regulamentului
Get resources to buy various buildings and development cards, and try to be the first player to reach 10 points.
- The board consists of hills (brick), forest (lumber), mountains (ore), fields (grain), pasture (wool) and a desert (nothing) at random places.
- Each terrain except the desert has a number of 2-12 on it. The desert starts with the robber on it.
- Each player places 2 settlements and 1 road next to each settlement on the board, then they receive resources for each terrain around the second settlement.
Rolling for resource production (obligatory): On your turn, roll 2 dice and calculate the sum.
- The terrains with that number produce resources for all players who have settlements or cities next to them (if the robber isn't blocking them): 1 resource per settlement and 2 per city.
- If you roll a 7, no one gets any resources and players with 8 resources or more must discard half of them (rounded down). You must move the robber to a new terrain and steal 1 random resource from a player who has a settlement or city next to that terrain.
Trading (optional): during your turn you can trade resources
- • with all other players (domestic trade)
- • with the bank (maritime trade) at the standard rate of 4 identical resources for 1 or at a preferential rate of a harbour if you have a settlement next to it.
Building (optional): finally, you can build roads and settlements, upgrade settlements to cities or purchase a development card by paying the resources needed.
- • roads must connect to the initial settlements and cost 1 brick + 1 lumber (worth 0 points)
- • settlements must be connected by roads to existing settlements (except at start) and cost 1 brick + 1 lumber + 1 wool + 1 grain (worth 1 point)
- • cities replace an existing settlement and cost 3 ore + 2 grain (worth 2 points)
- • development cards cost 1 ore + 1 wool + 1 grain and include
- • 14 knight cards that allow to move the robber to another terrain and steal a resource
- • 2 road building cards allowing extra roads to be built
- • 2 year of plenty cards providing two free resources of choice
- • 2 monopoly cards giving all other players that help gathering resources or building road•s
- • 5 victory point cards
You can play a development card at any time during your turn, even before rolling the dice, as long as it was bought on a previous turn and is not a victory card.
- • Settlements: each is worth 1 victory point.
- • Cities: each is worth 2 victory points (1 Point from the settlement + 1).
- • Victory point cards: some development cards are worth 1 victory point. They are kept hidden until you have sufficent points to win.
- • Largest army: the player who has played the most knight cards at any time (at least 3) gets the largest army card which is worth 2 points.
- • Longest road: the player with the longest continuous road at any time (at least 5 segments) gets the longest road card which is worth 2 points.
If there is a tie, the original owner keeps the achievement cards.
End of game
If a player has 10 or more victory points during their turn (including victory points cards), they reveal them and the game ends with their victory. For Catan Cities & Knights, a player needs 13 or more victory points to win.