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{IN_GAME} în jocuri •
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Timp de gândire : + 24h00 pe rând (maximum 3 zile )
O ieșire temporară sau permanentă de la această masă în timpul jocului îți va afecta scorul reputației și îți vor îngreuna posibilitatea de a găsi parteneri de joc în viitor.
Players choose a Driver card that they use throughout the entire game. Each card gives a different bonus. Before the game, 1 Driver Card is drawn per player, plus an additional Driver. Players choose from these options.
Drivers [Single Race Only]
Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules)[modifică]
Players choose a Driver card that they use throughout the entire game. Each card gives a different bonus. Before the game, 1 Driver Card is drawn per player, plus an additional Driver. Players choose from these options.
Gain 1 wear. Move up to as many light gray spaces as your current position in the race. If in last position, you may move 1 additional light gray space.
A more advanced but flexible movement rule. Cubes may be placed anywhere in a space, allowing you to "cut across" spaces. Only when movement is completed will your car move to the front of its space.
A variation for online play: players are able to see exactly what cubes are in their bag at all times. This setting is recommended for turn-based play.
Players choose a Driver card that they use throughout the entire game. Each card gives a different bonus. Before the game, 1 Driver Card is drawn per player, plus an additional Driver. Players choose from these options.
Drivers [Single Race Only]
Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules)[modifică]
Players choose a Driver card that they use throughout the entire game. Each card gives a different bonus. Before the game, 1 Driver Card is drawn per player, plus an additional Driver. Players choose from these options.
Gain 1 wear. Move up to as many light gray spaces as your current position in the race. If in last position, you may move 1 additional light gray space.
A more advanced but flexible movement rule. Cubes may be placed anywhere in a space, allowing you to "cut across" spaces. Only when movement is completed will your car move to the front of its space.
A variation for online play: players are able to see exactly what cubes are in their bag at all times. This setting is recommended for turn-based play.