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Configurația mesei de joc

Mod de joc
Mod normal
Viteza jocului
Pe ture • Timp fix limitat
Timpul alocat fiecărui jucător
Ore de joc
24 de ore pe zi (fără ore speciale de joc)
Hand size
Hand and foot are both 13 cards
Partnerships of four more preferred
Numărul de pachete
Equal to number of players+1
Number of jokers per deck
End of game
După 3 runde
Early end of game
Round opening minimum
50/90/120/150 pentru rundele 1-4, 150 după
Red 3 treatment
Automatically played to board and replaced, score 100
Black 3 treatment
Can only be discarded, score -5 in hand/foot
Meld size
Melds cannot have more than 7 cards
Ratio of natural to wild cards in completed melds (7+ cards)
Ratio of at least 2:1 natural:wild (max 2 per 7-card meld)
Ratio of natural to wild cards in open melds (up to 6 cards)
Treated the same as completed melds
Completed melds required to go out
1 clean/1 dirty per team member, plus one wild
Meld scoring
Clean scores 500, dirty scores 300, wild scores 1500 (if allowed)
Seeding the discard pile
Start the game with an empty discard pile
To take the discard
Must have 2 of the rank in hand, and be able to play them immediately
After taking the discard
Take six cards or entire pile if smaller
Ultima carte
Ultima carte poate fi jucată
Discarding wild cards
Discarded wild card can be taken by same rules as other cards
Going out bonus
Automatically play red 3s
După 5 secunte
End of round report timer
Continuă după 60 secunde
Draw card timer
Ia după 20 secunde
Culorile echipei
Players on the same team have the same color

3 min

timpul mediu de așteptare

Rezultatele jocului


Configurația mesei de joc

Mod de joc
Mod normal
Viteza jocului
Pe ture • Timp fix limitat
+ 0:00 pe rând (maximum 0:00 )
Timpul alocat fiecărui jucător
Ore de joc
24 de ore pe zi (fără ore speciale de joc)
Hand size
Hand and foot are both 13 cards
Partnerships of four more preferred
Numărul de pachete
Equal to number of players+1
Number of jokers per deck
End of game
După 3 runde
Early end of game
Round opening minimum
50/90/120/150 pentru rundele 1-4, 150 după
Red 3 treatment
Automatically played to board and replaced, score 100
Black 3 treatment
Can only be discarded, score -5 in hand/foot
Meld size
Melds cannot have more than 7 cards
Ratio of natural to wild cards in completed melds (7+ cards)
Ratio of at least 2:1 natural:wild (max 2 per 7-card meld)
Ratio of natural to wild cards in open melds (up to 6 cards)
Treated the same as completed melds
Completed melds required to go out
1 clean/1 dirty per team member, plus one wild
Meld scoring
Clean scores 500, dirty scores 300, wild scores 1500 (if allowed)
Seeding the discard pile
Start the game with an empty discard pile
To take the discard
Must have 2 of the rank in hand, and be able to play them immediately
After taking the discard
Take six cards or entire pile if smaller
Ultima carte
Ultima carte poate fi jucată
Discarding wild cards
Discarded wild card can be taken by same rules as other cards
Going out bonus
Automatically play red 3s
După 5 secunte
End of round report timer
Continuă după 60 secunde
Draw card timer
Ia după 20 secunde
Culorile echipei
Players on the same team have the same color

Jucători aflați acum la acestă masă

Informații despre joc

Cum se joacă?

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