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Statisticile jucătorilor sunt disponibile doar jucătorilor Premium pe Board Game Arena

Susține Board Game Arena: fă-ți abonament Premium!

Profilul de joc

fp89 medie Media tuturor jucătorilor Media câștigătorilor
Timp de gândire
Time bonus number
Reflexion time standard deviation
Starting point
VP payed for initial auction
VP from energy track (1st/2nd positions)
VP from energy track (round bonuses)
VP from structures bonuses
VP from contracts
VP from conduit use
VP from game objective
VP from water drops
VP from remaining resources
VP from advanced technology tiles
VP from external works
VP from private buildings
VP Total
Starting position during draft round
Executive Officer
Total Energy Produced
Built Bases
Built Elevations
Built Conduits
Built Powerhouses
Built Buildings
Fulfilled Contracts
Fulfilled External Works
Acquired Advanced Technology Tiles
Energy produced in round 1
Round 1 Bonus Tile Victory Points
Energy produced in round 2
Round 2 Bonus Tile Victory Points
Energy produced in round 3
Round 3 Bonus Tile Victory Points
Energy produced in round 4
Round 4 Bonus Tile Victory Points
Energy produced in round 5
Round 5 Bonus Tile Victory Points
Number of "things" taken into account for end of game objective
Victory points for end of game objective
MULțUMIM : Ești unul dintre cei mai loiali jucători ai noștri
Obține tot ce este mai bun de pe Board Game Arena pentru doar $5 / lună.
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