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Talkative and friendly games
Talkative and friendly games
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Vei primi o notificare de îndată ce vei fi primit în grup de către administratori.
Activitate recentă
770 membrii
Configurarea grupului
Activitate recentă
Despre Talkative and friendly games
This is a group for people that want a friendlier and more talkative games, see:
***participating in a game restricted for this group means that you accept to discuss with the other players***
Games among this group are not meant to be fast games.
Games are live or turn-based participants love to chat while playing games. Some players set up a voice chat while playing but this is not mandatory of course!
Members often post invitations to games at the group page.
Optional: Join Discord Server for better voice and text chat -
***participating in a game restricted for this group means that you accept to discuss with the other players***
Games among this group are not meant to be fast games.
Games are live or turn-based participants love to chat while playing games. Some players set up a voice chat while playing but this is not mandatory of course!
Members often post invitations to games at the group page.
Optional: Join Discord Server for better voice and text chat -
770 membrii
Nota: Acest grup are prea multi membrii pentru a ii putea afisa pe toti.