The Yellow House
Van Gogh și Gauguin dezbat ce este important pentru desen. Este un joc de cățărat foarte special pentru doi jucători. Trebuie să joci o carte din elementele care nu au fost încă jucate acest truc dintre cele patru elemente: bani, inspirație, pasiune și îndemânare. Dacă valoarea elementului respectiv este scăzută, trebuie să jucați cărți suplimentare pentru a-i crește valoarea înainte de a juca o carte. Jucătorul care iese primul înscrie ultima carte jucată și câștigă runda. Câștigați jocul câștigând primele trei runde sau marcând același element de două ori.
Numărul de jucători: 2
Durata jocului: 14 mn
Complexitate: 2 / 5
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Rezumatul regulamentului
At the beginning of the game, choose 2 topic cards to pass to your opponent. The corresponding tokens will increase in value.
On your turn, take 1 of 3 actions.
(a) Make a claim (b) Strengthen an element AND make a claim (c) Pass
Make a claim
- Play a topic card from your hand - If this is not the first card of the trick, the topic card must be of an element that is stronger than the previous card played. However, this new element cannot be one that has already been played this trick.
Strengthen an element AND make a claim
- This action can only be taken when you want to play a topic card that corresponds to an element that is NOT stronger than the previous card played. - First, move the element token you want to use until it is 1 step higher than the previous card. (This still must be an element without a corresponding card played this trick.) - Second, discard topic cards of that element equal to the number of steps you moved the token. - Finally, play one more card of that element in order to make your claim.
NOTE: Each round, 5 Support cards are available. Each player may use up to 3 per round, but players can only use one per turn. Support cards can be used as a wild element card for the purpose of strengthening an element, but not for making a claim. Therefore, they cannot be used without at least one card of the corresponding element.
If you cannot or do not want to take one of the above actions, you may pass.
Winning a trick
The last player to successfully make a claim during any given trick wins the trick and therefore gets to start the next one.
Round and Game End
The round ends when one player runs out of cards. This signifies that this player has won the round. As a reward they keep their last topic card used to make a claim and place it under their palette token. The game ends when one player has 2 topic cards of 1 element or 3 topic cards of any element under their palette token.