Mountain Goats
În Mountain Goats lucrezi pentru a-ți muta caprele în vârful a 6 munți diferiți, unde pot câștiga puncte atâta timp cât rămân acolo.
Poți împărți spații cu alte capre în urcare, dar există loc doar pentru o capră în vârful fiecărui munte. Dacă capra altcuiva se mută pe vârful muntelui, te va îmbrânci și va trebui să-ți iei drumul de la capăt.
Este un joc despre sincronizare. Trebuie nu doar să ajungi în vârful muntelui, ci să ajungi acolo când nimeni altcineva nu este în măsură să te doboare.
Este un joc despre a ține ochii pe adversarii tăi. Maximizează-ți scorul, dar și asigură-te că nu lași pe nimeni altcineva să înscrie prea mult.
Numărul de jucători: 2 - 5
Durata jocului: 13 mn
Complexitate: 1 / 5
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Joacă Mountain Goats și 958 alte jocuri online.
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Rezumatul regulamentului
Race your goats up the mountains as many times as you can while trying to scale as many different mountains as you can.
Roll the 4 dice.
If more than one die is a 1, you can turn the extra 1s into any number you wish, but must finish adjustments with at least one 1 showing.
Sort the dice into group(s) of your choosing.
Each group that sums to a value between 5 and 10 moves your goat on that track; any that sum outside this does nothing.
Multiple goats can share the same space, except at the top of the mountain. When a player moves a goat to the top of a mountain, they take a Point Token (shown next to the mountain number at the top of the mountain) from that mountain (if available), and return any goat already there to the foot of the mountain, leaving their goat at the top. If a player creates a grouping of dice that would move a goat up a mountain, but their goat is already at the top, they instead claim one Point Token from this mountain's supply (if available).
When a player has collected a point token from every mountain, they claim the highest bonus token (shown above the point tokens). This can be done multiple times - each time you make a new set of all mountains.
Game End
When the Bonus Token pile runs out, or THREE Mountains run out of normal tokens, finish the current round.
Count up your Mountain and Bonus Tokens, the player with the most points, wins!
If tied, the tied player with the most goats currently on mountain tops wins!
If still tied, the tied player with the goat on the highest valued mountain top wins!
Big Mountain Expansion
In the Big Mountain expansion, goats ascend a single-file path with only the highest climbers earning points. Players must choose between battling for the regular mountains or risking the Big Mountain where timing is crucial. To place, you select a sum between 11-24 and put a goat on the corresponding Big Mountain spot, sacrificing your ability to score on the regular mountain tracks. You can however, move goats back and forth between the Big Mountain and regular ones during the game.
At the end of the game, points are awarded based on the number and ranking of your goats on the Big Mountain. In 2-player games, the points are 12/8/4; in 3-player games, 16/12/8/4; and in 4 or 5-player games, 15/12/9/6/3. Players can score multiple times if they have goats in qualifying spots. For example, at the end of a 2-player game, if you have a goat on the 23 spot and the 16 spot and your opponent has a goat on the 21 spot, you will get 16 points (12+4) and your opponent will get 8 points.
This expansion gives you more choices as you are now able to move goats to the Big Mountain when there are no more point tokens available at the top of the regular mountains.