Captain Flip
Captain Flip este un joc simplu, ce poate fi explicat mai repede decât ai zice "peşte". Pe tura ta, tragi o piesă din sac. Îţi place? O păstrezi! Nu-ţi place? O întorci! Apoi o pui pe tabla de joc şi-ţi formezi echipajul.
Cu cele nouă caractere şi cele patru planşe de joc diferite, Captain Flip oferă o experienţă rapidă, imediată şi distractivă.
Numărul de jucători: 2 - 5
Durata jocului: 4 mn
Complexitate: 2 / 5
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Joacă Captain Flip și 977 alte jocuri online.
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Cu prietenii tăi și mii de jucători din toate lumea.
Rezumatul regulamentului
Collect the most coins to win the game.
Draw a character tile from the bag.
You can either keep the side you see, or flip it and have the other side (but no backflips).
Place the tile on that side at the lowest point on a column of your choice.
Apply the immediate effect (Yellow).
If they are on the highest space of their column, also take the column bonus.
If you hold the Treasure Map at the end of your turn, take 1 coin.
End Game
When one player completes 4 columns, finish off the round, then end the game.
Apply end game effects of characters (grey).
If using board C, there are also end game bonuses on the board.
The player with the most coins wins!
Remember, 3 Gunner tiles or more at the end automatically loses!
If tied, the player who currently holds the treasure map wins!
Scoring FAQ:
Swabbies score by number of columns they are in. Multiple swabbies in a single column will not increase your score.