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rapoarte pentru Citadele
#52515: "Allow players to choose end game condition"
Despre ce este vorba acest raport?
Ce s-a întâmplat? Te rugăm alege de mai jos
Sugestie: în opinia mea următorul lucru ar îmbunătăți enorm implementarea jocului
Descriere detaliată
• Vă rugăm să explicați sugestia exact și concis, astfel încât să fie cât mai ușor de înțeles.
Add option to allow players to choose if playing to 7 or 8 districts to end the game rather than basing it on player count.• Care e browserul tău?
Safari v15
Raportează istoric
StartPlayer • Această sugestie nu a fost analizată încă de dezvoltatori:
9 nov 2021 16:19 • From the rules here contains the following official variant.
"Classic Variant
If players wish to play Citadels with 4–7 players in its original form, they may choose to use the classic variant. In this variant, a city is not considered completed until it has eight districts in it (instead of seven)."
As it's an official variants it seems ok to let players choose if playing to 7 or 8 districts.
"Classic Variant
If players wish to play Citadels with 4–7 players in its original form, they may choose to use the classic variant. In this variant, a city is not considered completed until it has eight districts in it (instead of seven)."
As it's an official variants it seems ok to let players choose if playing to 7 or 8 districts.
syneco • Această sugestie nu a fost analizată încă de dezvoltatori:
18 nov 2021 20:35 • You're right, the new edition ends the game with the seventh district but if you can, allow the option for the eighth.
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