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rapoarte pentru Kingscraft
#152354: "Sound effects"
implemented: Această sugestie a fost implementată
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Sugestie: în opinia mea următorul lucru ar îmbunătăți enorm implementarea jocului
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This game has the best-looking dice rolling in all of BGA. This could be enhanced with the sound of dice being rolled. Yes, it's a cheesy idea, but I've seen it used to good effect in other games on BGA. Sound effects make online board games feel more engaging and addictive.
• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v131
Raportează istoric
Nob Leader • Această sugestie nu a fost analizată încă de dezvoltatori:
7 ian 2025 22:06 • Also I've seen games with the sounds of swords clashing. I know the real life board game doesn't come with sound effects, but that doesn't have to be a limiting factor. :)
David Kühn • Dezvoltatorii sunt de acord ca este o idee bună şi intenţionează să lucreze la ea:
7 ian 2025 23:25 • I hate to say it - But I see how the BGA-Version of the game would benefit from sounds. :-D
Maybe I take some time the next days to record some sounds and try to find out how to add sounds to BGA. I haven´t looked at this jet. But I like the idea.
You are having too many good ideas. ;-)
Maybe I take some time the next days to record some sounds and try to find out how to add sounds to BGA. I haven´t looked at this jet. But I like the idea.
You are having too many good ideas. ;-)
David Kühn • Această sugestie a fost implementată:
24 ian 2025 0:54 • Alright. That was some work. I worked ogether with a musician friend of mine and have build custom sounds. Not only we have the dice (in variations of how many you roll), we also have sound for crafting, potions, winning and losing. :-)
I am looking forward hearing, what you think!
I am looking forward hearing, what you think!
Nob Leader • Această sugestie a fost implementată:
24 ian 2025 19:19 • This is awesome news! But I started a game yesterday as well as a hot-seat game, and I don't hear the new sound effects. Did you publish them? Is there a place to turn them on?
David Kühn • Această sugestie a fost implementată:
24 ian 2025 22:45 • Thanks for making me aware. I have put the sounds intp a seperate folder. BGA Studio was fine with that. But the official BGA didn´t like it. Moved the location of the sounds and checked - Now its fine. :-)
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