#145014: "Limited fire was unlimited"
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• În ce etapă a jocului a apărut eroarea (care era instrucțiunea din acel moment) ?
Just before move #78.• Ce se întâmplă atunci când vrei să acționezi în joc (apare o eroare, un mesaj din partea jocului in partea de sus a ecranului, ...)?
I put down the red flamethrower (7) tile which collapsed the 2 tiles below. But limited fire was on so when opponent put down a wood or straw tile it caught some tiles on fire but left the flamethrower. After a few moves we had a green coal (1) at edge of pyramid with a blank in between it and the flamethrower so we had to play in that spot. We put down at least 10 tiles in that spot but neither the coal nor the flamethrower was depleted. Since we had no stone left, we had to abandon the game.• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v130
Raportează istoric
Thanks for handing this bug in. This is indeed a problem with the game mechanics.
Tbh, this very case is the reason why normally fire tiles go out of the game when triggering a fire.
I had a request for Limited Fire mechanics, and thought: sure, why not.
(Hence the "BETA" behind the option)
I guess, you just found, why not.
I am thinking of just removing the Limited Fire option.
What do you think?
Adaugă ceva la acest raport
- Alt identificator de masă / de mutare
- A rezolvat F5 problema?
- Această problemă a apărut de mai multe ori? De fiecare dată? Ocazional?
- Dacă ai o captură de ecran cu acest bug (ceea ce îți sugerăm), poți folosi Imgur.com pentru încărcarea imaginii și pentru a pune link-ul aici.