#135503: "Recent Chrome update breaks UI for multiple games on mobile platforms"
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• Te rugăm copiază/lipeşte mesajul erorii pe care îl vezi pe ecran, dacă apare vreunul.
In Google Chrome v128, logic for the CSS "zoom" property was updated to reflect a new standard: developer.chrome.com/release-notes/128#standardized_css_zoom_property
Currently, Board Game Arena uses the "zoom" property on narrow displays (typically on mobile devices, but I can also replicate all of this behavior using Chrome on a desktop. I just have to reduce the window dimensions to around that of my cell phone) to achieve responsive scaling. I have noticed that many games now look significantly worse on mobile as a result of the new zoom implementation.
I've captured some screenshots for a few games that were impacted by this change, but I suspect the issue is more widespread: imgur.com/a/dXWepBg
Chrome developers have offered an "origin trial" that allows websites to temporarily revert back to the "legacy" zoom implementation: developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/3499859860420296705
Opting in to this trial would not be a permanent solution, but it would minimize the interruption to players on mobile devices while BGA team / individual game maintainers figure out a more permanent solution• Explică, te rugăm, ce ai vrut să faci, ce ai făcut, și ce s-a întâmplat
• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v128
• Va rugam copiati/lipiti textul afisat in engleza in locul limbii dumneavoastra. Dacă ai o captură de ecran cu acest bug (ceea ce îți sugerăm), poți folosi Imgur.com pentru încărcarea imaginii și pentru a pune link-ul aici.
In Google Chrome v128, logic for the CSS "zoom" property was updated to reflect a new standard: developer.chrome.com/release-notes/128#standardized_css_zoom_property
Currently, Board Game Arena uses the "zoom" property on narrow displays (typically on mobile devices, but I can also replicate all of this behavior using Chrome on a desktop. I just have to reduce the window dimensions to around that of my cell phone) to achieve responsive scaling. I have noticed that many games now look significantly worse on mobile as a result of the new zoom implementation.
I've captured some screenshots for a few games that were impacted by this change, but I suspect the issue is more widespread: imgur.com/a/dXWepBg
Chrome developers have offered an "origin trial" that allows websites to temporarily revert back to the "legacy" zoom implementation: developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/3499859860420296705
Opting in to this trial would not be a permanent solution, but it would minimize the interruption to players on mobile devices while BGA team / individual game maintainers figure out a more permanent solution• Este textul acesta disponibil în sistemul de traduceri? Dacă da, a fost tradus mai recent de 24 de ore?
• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v128
• Vă rugăm să explicați sugestia exact și concis, astfel încât să fie cât mai ușor de înțeles.
In Google Chrome v128, logic for the CSS "zoom" property was updated to reflect a new standard: developer.chrome.com/release-notes/128#standardized_css_zoom_property
Currently, Board Game Arena uses the "zoom" property on narrow displays (typically on mobile devices, but I can also replicate all of this behavior using Chrome on a desktop. I just have to reduce the window dimensions to around that of my cell phone) to achieve responsive scaling. I have noticed that many games now look significantly worse on mobile as a result of the new zoom implementation.
I've captured some screenshots for a few games that were impacted by this change, but I suspect the issue is more widespread: imgur.com/a/dXWepBg
Chrome developers have offered an "origin trial" that allows websites to temporarily revert back to the "legacy" zoom implementation: developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/3499859860420296705
Opting in to this trial would not be a permanent solution, but it would minimize the interruption to players on mobile devices while BGA team / individual game maintainers figure out a more permanent solution• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v128
• Ce a fost afișat pe ecran atunci când ai fost blocat (Ecran gol? O parte din interfața jocului? Mesaj de eroare?)
In Google Chrome v128, logic for the CSS "zoom" property was updated to reflect a new standard: developer.chrome.com/release-notes/128#standardized_css_zoom_property
Currently, Board Game Arena uses the "zoom" property on narrow displays (typically on mobile devices, but I can also replicate all of this behavior using Chrome on a desktop. I just have to reduce the window dimensions to around that of my cell phone) to achieve responsive scaling. I have noticed that many games now look significantly worse on mobile as a result of the new zoom implementation.
I've captured some screenshots for a few games that were impacted by this change, but I suspect the issue is more widespread: imgur.com/a/dXWepBg
Chrome developers have offered an "origin trial" that allows websites to temporarily revert back to the "legacy" zoom implementation: developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/3499859860420296705
Opting in to this trial would not be a permanent solution, but it would minimize the interruption to players on mobile devices while BGA team / individual game maintainers figure out a more permanent solution• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v128
• Care parte din reguli nu a fost respectată de adaptarea BGA
In Google Chrome v128, logic for the CSS "zoom" property was updated to reflect a new standard: developer.chrome.com/release-notes/128#standardized_css_zoom_property
Currently, Board Game Arena uses the "zoom" property on narrow displays (typically on mobile devices, but I can also replicate all of this behavior using Chrome on a desktop. I just have to reduce the window dimensions to around that of my cell phone) to achieve responsive scaling. I have noticed that many games now look significantly worse on mobile as a result of the new zoom implementation.
I've captured some screenshots for a few games that were impacted by this change, but I suspect the issue is more widespread: imgur.com/a/dXWepBg
Chrome developers have offered an "origin trial" that allows websites to temporarily revert back to the "legacy" zoom implementation: developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/3499859860420296705
Opting in to this trial would not be a permanent solution, but it would minimize the interruption to players on mobile devices while BGA team / individual game maintainers figure out a more permanent solution• Se observă frauda când derulați reluarea? Dacă da, la a câta mutare?
• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v128
• Care a fost acțiunea pe care ai vrut să o faci?
In Google Chrome v128, logic for the CSS "zoom" property was updated to reflect a new standard: developer.chrome.com/release-notes/128#standardized_css_zoom_property
Currently, Board Game Arena uses the "zoom" property on narrow displays (typically on mobile devices, but I can also replicate all of this behavior using Chrome on a desktop. I just have to reduce the window dimensions to around that of my cell phone) to achieve responsive scaling. I have noticed that many games now look significantly worse on mobile as a result of the new zoom implementation.
I've captured some screenshots for a few games that were impacted by this change, but I suspect the issue is more widespread: imgur.com/a/dXWepBg
Chrome developers have offered an "origin trial" that allows websites to temporarily revert back to the "legacy" zoom implementation: developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/3499859860420296705
Opting in to this trial would not be a permanent solution, but it would minimize the interruption to players on mobile devices while BGA team / individual game maintainers figure out a more permanent solution• Ce ai făcut de ai produs această reacție/eroare?
• Ce se întâmplă atunci când vrei să faci asta (apare o eroare, un mesaj din partea jocului in partea de sus a ecranului, ...)?
• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v128
• În ce etapă a jocului a apărut eroarea (care era instrucțiunea din acel moment) ?
In Google Chrome v128, logic for the CSS "zoom" property was updated to reflect a new standard: developer.chrome.com/release-notes/128#standardized_css_zoom_property
Currently, Board Game Arena uses the "zoom" property on narrow displays (typically on mobile devices, but I can also replicate all of this behavior using Chrome on a desktop. I just have to reduce the window dimensions to around that of my cell phone) to achieve responsive scaling. I have noticed that many games now look significantly worse on mobile as a result of the new zoom implementation.
I've captured some screenshots for a few games that were impacted by this change, but I suspect the issue is more widespread: imgur.com/a/dXWepBg
Chrome developers have offered an "origin trial" that allows websites to temporarily revert back to the "legacy" zoom implementation: developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/3499859860420296705
Opting in to this trial would not be a permanent solution, but it would minimize the interruption to players on mobile devices while BGA team / individual game maintainers figure out a more permanent solution• Ce se întâmplă atunci când vrei să acționezi în joc (apare o eroare, un mesaj din partea jocului in partea de sus a ecranului, ...)?
• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v128
• Descrieți, vă rugăm, problema de afișaj. Dacă ai o captură de ecran cu acest bug (ceea ce îți sugerăm), poți folosi Imgur.com pentru încărcarea imaginii și pentru a pune link-ul aici.
In Google Chrome v128, logic for the CSS "zoom" property was updated to reflect a new standard: developer.chrome.com/release-notes/128#standardized_css_zoom_property
Currently, Board Game Arena uses the "zoom" property on narrow displays (typically on mobile devices, but I can also replicate all of this behavior using Chrome on a desktop. I just have to reduce the window dimensions to around that of my cell phone) to achieve responsive scaling. I have noticed that many games now look significantly worse on mobile as a result of the new zoom implementation.
I've captured some screenshots for a few games that were impacted by this change, but I suspect the issue is more widespread: imgur.com/a/dXWepBg
Chrome developers have offered an "origin trial" that allows websites to temporarily revert back to the "legacy" zoom implementation: developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/3499859860420296705
Opting in to this trial would not be a permanent solution, but it would minimize the interruption to players on mobile devices while BGA team / individual game maintainers figure out a more permanent solution• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v128
• Va rugam copiati/lipiti textul afisat in engleza in locul limbii dumneavoastra. Dacă ai o captură de ecran cu acest bug (ceea ce îți sugerăm), poți folosi Imgur.com pentru încărcarea imaginii și pentru a pune link-ul aici.
In Google Chrome v128, logic for the CSS "zoom" property was updated to reflect a new standard: developer.chrome.com/release-notes/128#standardized_css_zoom_property
Currently, Board Game Arena uses the "zoom" property on narrow displays (typically on mobile devices, but I can also replicate all of this behavior using Chrome on a desktop. I just have to reduce the window dimensions to around that of my cell phone) to achieve responsive scaling. I have noticed that many games now look significantly worse on mobile as a result of the new zoom implementation.
I've captured some screenshots for a few games that were impacted by this change, but I suspect the issue is more widespread: imgur.com/a/dXWepBg
Chrome developers have offered an "origin trial" that allows websites to temporarily revert back to the "legacy" zoom implementation: developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/3499859860420296705
Opting in to this trial would not be a permanent solution, but it would minimize the interruption to players on mobile devices while BGA team / individual game maintainers figure out a more permanent solution• Este textul acesta disponibil în sistemul de traduceri? Dacă da, a fost tradus mai recent de 24 de ore?
• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v128
• Vă rugăm să explicați sugestia exact și concis, astfel încât să fie cât mai ușor de înțeles.
In Google Chrome v128, logic for the CSS "zoom" property was updated to reflect a new standard: developer.chrome.com/release-notes/128#standardized_css_zoom_property
Currently, Board Game Arena uses the "zoom" property on narrow displays (typically on mobile devices, but I can also replicate all of this behavior using Chrome on a desktop. I just have to reduce the window dimensions to around that of my cell phone) to achieve responsive scaling. I have noticed that many games now look significantly worse on mobile as a result of the new zoom implementation.
I've captured some screenshots for a few games that were impacted by this change, but I suspect the issue is more widespread: imgur.com/a/dXWepBg
Chrome developers have offered an "origin trial" that allows websites to temporarily revert back to the "legacy" zoom implementation: developer.chrome.com/origintrials/#/view_trial/3499859860420296705
Opting in to this trial would not be a permanent solution, but it would minimize the interruption to players on mobile devices while BGA team / individual game maintainers figure out a more permanent solution• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v128
Raportează istoric
• Viticulture
• Wingspan
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Et cela se produit à chaque fois depuis une semaine maintenant..
don't hesitate to raise a new report if this happens again for all games.
The full screen button should be reintegrated soon
Adaugă ceva la acest raport
- Alt identificator de masă / de mutare
- A rezolvat F5 problema?
- Această problemă a apărut de mai multe ori? De fiecare dată? Ocazional?
- Dacă ai o captură de ecran cu acest bug (ceea ce îți sugerăm), poți folosi Imgur.com pentru încărcarea imaginii și pentru a pune link-ul aici.