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rapoarte pentru HUGO
#133066: "First guests (caught on same turn) moved to -10 and -9 steps of cellar rather than starting at -3"
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Reguli: o regulă a jocului nu a fost respectată
Descriere detaliată
• Care parte din reguli nu a fost respectată de adaptarea BGA
The rules say: If Hugo passes or stops at a space with a guest, that guest is captured and put on the LOWEST (+3 Spooky Point) open step in the cellar.
I had two guests caught by Hugo in the same turn and they were the first guests caught in the game. Instead of going onto steps 3 and 4, though, they were put onto steps 9 and 10, which gave me 19 spooky points. In addition to the 10 spooky points each player starts with, that put me at 29 spooky points from the first guests caught.• Se observă frauda când derulați reluarea? Dacă da, la a câta mutare?
Move 66 is when my guests were caught and put on steps 9 and 10. There were no other guests in the cellar at this point.• Care e browserul tău?
Safari v17.5
Raportează istoric
dynahthirst • Defectul nu a fost replicat încă de programatori:
8 aug 2024 5:35 • I don't have an Imgur account but if the replay clearly shows my pieces going to steps 9 and 10 with no other pieces in the cellar.
Sie Bug • Defectul nu a fost replicat încă de programatori:
2 nov 2024 22:53 • Same as other players - guests get filled in the cellar starting on the wrong side (10 points vs 3)
sunflowerliz • Defectul nu a fost replicat încă de programatori:
15 nov 2024 9:23 • This just happened in a game I'm in as well.
sunflowerliz • Defectul nu a fost replicat încă de programatori:
15 nov 2024 10:31 • Update -- it looks like this is not a bug. The game is implemented correctly according to the actual game rules:
"A guest that has been captured is sent to the cellar steps – i.e. on the next free step with
the highest number. So the first guest to be sent to the cellar is put on the “+10” step. The
next guest then is put on the “+9” step and so on. At the same time, the counter of that
player is moved forward that same number of spaces on the spooky trail. More than one
counter may occupy the same space on the spooky trail."
(The spooky trail is the points counter on the border of the board.)
This also matches the last sentence of the game's description on BGA: "The first guest caught "earns" the most fright points, with those caught later earning less and less."
I'll make an edit to the wiki rules to correct them!
"A guest that has been captured is sent to the cellar steps – i.e. on the next free step with
the highest number. So the first guest to be sent to the cellar is put on the “+10” step. The
next guest then is put on the “+9” step and so on. At the same time, the counter of that
player is moved forward that same number of spaces on the spooky trail. More than one
counter may occupy the same space on the spooky trail."
(The spooky trail is the points counter on the border of the board.)
This also matches the last sentence of the game's description on BGA: "The first guest caught "earns" the most fright points, with those caught later earning less and less."
I'll make an edit to the wiki rules to correct them!
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- Alt identificator de masă / de mutare
- A rezolvat F5 problema?
- Această problemă a apărut de mai multe ori? De fiecare dată? Ocazional?
- Dacă ai o captură de ecran cu acest bug (ceea ce îți sugerăm), poți folosi pentru încărcarea imaginii și pentru a pune link-ul aici.