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rapoarte pentru River Valley Glassworks
#115471: "Change orientation of 3 stones on a tile so the "how much to refill" rock is visible"
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When there are 3 stones on a river tile, they are arranged in a row.
The leftmost stone is hiding the rock art, which indicates how many stones are places on the newly-emptied tile to its left.
At one point, I wanted to inspect it, to understand what kind of opening I'm leaving to my opponent, and couldn't.
Maybe when there are 3 stones on a tile, they should be oriented as 3 on the top row and 1 on the bottom row?
(I assume a similar problem exists when there are 7 or more tiles, but didn't test it)• Care e browserul tău?
Mozilla v5
Raportează istoric
22 feb 2024 20:55 •
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