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#11503: "The bonus points at the end of the game were not awarded/summed up"
notupdated: Acest raport a fost închis în mod automat, deoarece nu a existat nici un vot / comentariu asupra acestuia pentru o lungă perioadă de timp
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Reguli: o regulă a jocului nu a fost respectată
Descriere detaliată
• Care parte din reguli nu a fost respectată de adaptarea BGA
The bonus points at the end of the game were not awarded/summed up• Se observă frauda când derulați reluarea? Dacă da, la a câta mutare?
It happened at the last move.
At the end of the game if it's replayed the points are counted correctly but in the game it didn't happened and I was given the game for lost even thought actually with the bonus points I should have won.I would be glad if you could fix that.• Care e browserul tău?
Google Chrome v70
Raportează istoric
Ftarantino • Defectul nu a fost replicat încă de programatori:
4 dec 2018 1:20 • As well the other player saw the same error. Both of us saw him winning and we discovered the mistake by chance. It was not that nice because it completely change the results of the game, it would be nice if you could fix it.
Ftarantino • Defectul nu a fost replicat încă de programatori:
6 dec 2018 16:56 • I go through the game again and it look like the points were calculated correctly the first time. When the game was replayed it show different points but I don't know why...
DrKarotte • Dezvoltatorii cer mai multe informaţii pentru a reproduce această eroare:
17 dec 2018 11:44 • If anyone has similar problems please help, as I do not know what could have went wrong here, too.
Sourisdudesert • Acest raport a fost închis în mod automat, deoarece nu a existat nici un vot / comentariu asupra acestuia pentru o lungă perioadă de timp:
19 dec 2019 11:16 • Report closed automatically because it has not been upvoted or commented for a while.
Your bug has probably been fixed already, or was linked to a temporary failure of BGA service.
In any case, when filling a bug report, make sure to have an explicit title linked to the incident (ex: with error message), so other players can recognize it and vote for it.
Your bug has probably been fixed already, or was linked to a temporary failure of BGA service.
In any case, when filling a bug report, make sure to have an explicit title linked to the incident (ex: with error message), so other players can recognize it and vote for it.
Adaugă ceva la acest raport
Adăugați aici ceva care pare relevant pentru a reproduce acest bug sau pentru a înțelege sugestia dvs.:
- Alt identificator de masă / de mutare
- A rezolvat F5 problema?
- Această problemă a apărut de mai multe ori? De fiecare dată? Ocazional?
- Dacă ai o captură de ecran cu acest bug (ceea ce îți sugerăm), poți folosi pentru încărcarea imaginii și pentru a pune link-ul aici.